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With Master Hypnotist & Corporate Motivational Speaker Chris Halbohm As Featured On / At

Join Chris As He Reveals Secrets To

Achieving Your Goals

Chris Halbohm, master consulting hypnotist, is the founder of Keystone Hypnosis and is an NLP trainer with the Master Hypnotist Society. With over 24 years experience (since 2000), he has delivered over 25,000 client sessions.

He met his mentor, Scott McFall, in 2002. Using the McFall Method of hypnosis with the MHS, he has founded several six-figure clinics and state-licensed hypnosis schools around the country.

Chris has used hypnosis on himself to quit smoking and eliminate migraine headaches (pain management by physician referal only) and is author of “End Worry And Sleep Well.”

He has made multiple appearances on local and national television demonstrating these techniques and has spoken and taught at international conventions, including the National Guild of Hypnotists, and been commissioned to speak for groups both public and private. He now offers his skills in private programs, professional speaking, and fun, family-friendly stage hypnosis shows.

Imagine the skill sets of over 24 years of Master Hypnotist experience from the comfort of your own home

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*DISCLAIMER: The reviews shown are specifically only the experience of the client in the review. They share their personal stories openly and freely and they are not compensated. Comments made by former clients, students, trainees, and business associates are true, factual, and documented. Each individual is different as is each one's individual result. Thrive Truth Trainings, Inc., Keystone Hypnosis, its officers and assigns do not imply, suggest, or claim these comments represent a typical result. A typical/general client/student may expect many different types of results, including possibly better than those stated here, somewhere in the middle, or no results whatsoever. Results vary depending on age, gender, lifestyle, physical activity, and individual commitment and motivation to achieve a desired result or goal. We make no guarantee of monetary result. The client in the review has sincerely and earnestly followed the steps given. Comments have been collected over a 20+ year period. Keystone Hypnosis makes no claim or intent to represent comments and reviews as current. Each comment and or review is one person's opinion given at a specific time. Comments and reviews should only be considered in that context and not as example of current experience. The services we render are held out to the public as non-therapeutic hypnotism, defined as the use of hypnosis to inculcate positive thinking and the capacity for self-hypnosis. We do not represent our services as any form of health care or psychotherapy, and despite research to the contrary, by law we may make no health benefit claims for our services.

This material is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Consult a medical professional if you’re seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. We are not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information we provide.

Do not use hypnosis recordings while driving or at any time you are not in a safe position. We do not diagnose or treat mental illness or medical conditions. You take full risk and responsibility at all times. By watching this presentation, consuming this material, or communicating or participating with us in any way, you take full personal risk and responsibility. You and your heirs hereby release Chris Halbohm and his kin, companies, students/interns, employees, and associates of any and all liability and agree to hold them harmless. You do this training at your own risk and responsibility. For educational purposes only. Not meant as medical intervention. If you need actual medical help, seek it. If you need to stop for any reason, stop. If you are not in agreement AND of legal age (at least 18 years or older), you must stop and leave this video and page immediately.

The terms “hypnotherapy” or “hypnotherapist” are old and outdated. We do not espouse these terms. Instead we call ourselves “hypnotist” or “consulting hypnotist”.

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